CalProg Vendors

 Our Vendor List

David Z Independent: Misc. Prog Items 
David Overstreet
Shawn Gordon ProgRock Records
Universal Sounds Worldwide Progressive Rock Cds
Paul Whitehead/Cypher Arts
ART & Music: Paul Whitehead may be best known as  the artist that did the cover art for Trespass, Nursery Cryme and Foxtrot
John Mabry Misc. Prog CDs
Thirteen of Everything Artist CDs
CalProg Merchandise Souvenir Program, Official T-Shirt, CP04 & CP05 Authorized Bootleg CD, Earplugs
Rocket Scientists Performers
Helmet of Gnats Performers
Cryptic Vision Performers
Kino Performers
IZZ Performers


Renting Vendor Tables

Vendor space is available in rooms attached to the theater lobby. Cost is $40 per 6 foot table for the day. Space is limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

 If you are interested, contact topic=”CalProg Vendor Space” and in the body of the email please explain what it is you will be selling. You will be contacted with specific details. Payment must be received within 14 days of application or your space will be forfeited.  

Payment can be made here: Single Table Purchase

Vendors are not permitted to sell commercial releases offered by CalProg performing artists or their associated bands/projects (non compete). Vending rooms will be open at all stage change breaks and dinner, but will be locked during performances. At least one vendor at each table must possess reserved seat for CalProg. Non ticketed vendor assistants will not be allowed access to theater!

Load in is from 8:30am till 10:30am . Doors open at 10:30am . This schedule subject to change without notice. Please check website or mailing list for up to the minute details.

Ad Space in CalProg Official Program


Here are the specs for the program ad. If you can get me the artwork as soon as possible, I won't charge until the program is fully designed and ready to go to print. 

> Advertisement rates are as follows:
> Page Specification Price Dimensions
> Quarter Page $40.00 3.5" x 5" (9cm x 12.7cm)
> Half Page $80.00 7.5" x 5" (18.5cm x 12.7cm)
> Full Page $160.00 7.5" x 10" (18.5cm x 26cm)
> Color Page $200.00 7.5" x 10" (18.5cm x 26cm)
> Artwork Format:
> 300 dpi TIFF or flattened EPS Grayscale or Highest Resolution Graphic you can send
> Submit via email to Topic = CP06Program Ad for BAND NAME 
> Availability subject to 1st come 1st serve

All submissions due by June 1, 2006